
Monday, 30 January 2017

Thoughts Are With The Community...and Humanity

"Why is the flag down?" "People got hurt."
"Was it a bad person?" "Sadly, yes."
"Why does the bad man do it?" "Not everyone is wants people to feel safe."
"There's a plane!"

I love 5 year olds.

A few of your kids may have some questions about what happened last night. Please let me know if you have any questions, would like some resources to deal with difficult discussions with children, and/or just want to talk.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Shared Writing Strategy

Take literally any thought they have on their mind and make boxes that are sized for the letters needed. Support your child (who knows letter sounds) by stretching the word out slowly. A great chance to teach about the "silent E", "bossy E" and all the other interesting sounds some letters make. The adult writes the words on top, the little one rewrites their sentence below. 

Monday, 16 January 2017

Carnival Games

A classic carnival game that involves problem solving, number sense, graphing, patience, and a whole lot more. Collecting data and graphing is a big focus in our play this month.