
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

I Don't Even Know. These Kids Are So Cool.

Today was bananas with problem solving and innovation, non standard measurement, and oral language. 

That is a doll house, a race track, and the board game Guess Who. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Names/Initials In Winter Clothing

Please please please write your child's name in their clothing. 

25 hats, 50 gloves, boots that are the same as one another, and some children who are learning to take care/be aware of their possessions and surroundings. 

We require your assistance. Please label possessions. 

Wish List (please do not spend $$)

Hi everyone,
So daily we have toys (cars) being brought from home due to a clear lack of quality cars in the classroom. I get it and while I want the students to be engaged, toys from home create exclusion and ugliness more often than not. Heard today "no you can't play. These are mine.".  We are trying to foster community, maybe even change that word "mine" to "ours". So I ask that you keep toys at home. 

A group of boys helped draft a letter to you parents and we ask that only if you have cars that haven't been used in a while, you and your child discuss the possibility of donating towards our communal classroom collection. (Absolutely no spending $$ at the store, just hand me downs please.)
Thanks in advance. 

Oh also please send in more lids for spinning top making, either plastic or metal. Thanks to those who did today.


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Oldest Toy Ever?

Part of the Toy Hall Of Fame, the spinning top comes in all different shapes, sizes, and materials. The students researched some spinning tops and decided to try pennies and paper today. We had some failures and decided it's time to re-appropriate that word to describe trying, reflecting, and trying again. So we did and we realized that failing can be and should be fun. 

FAIL = First Attempt In Learning

Tomorrow we try using plastic lids. Please send in plastic lids if you have any. 

Monday, 21 November 2016

Repurposing Materials

Checkers. I'm blown away by the learning that went into this. Following instructions, considering consequences of choices, learning geometrical language, patterning, teamwork, using two dimensional shapes to build a game board. Checkers is a toy that can be found in the Toy Hall Of Fame. Other inductees include the stick, Jack in the box, the ball, and rocks. 

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Unseasonable Messages

We've been pretty lucky with the weather. That's about to change. A great weekend to practice with the snow pants, gloves, scarves, etc. 

Friday, 18 November 2016

Rock Balance

Engaging in process, not just the final product is what we are trying to get the students to do/communicate. Weight, balance, geometric properties, language like "flat". Careful. Thoughtful. Intentional.  Calming. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Role Playing = Empathy

Masks have been worn for many moons with the intention of taking on another personality in order to tell a story. For our students, this type of role playing allows them to step outside themselves and begin to speak in another voice. 
Role playing = empathy. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

2D Shapes Can Make What?!

The gift shop needs inventory. It turns out squares and triangles make Pyramids!!!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

The Developmental Range Of Wreath Making

Remembering those who fought to keep us safe. 

We can see the developmental range of fine motor ability between 3-5 year olds but everyone was able to participate in a way that met their needs. Things like Play dough, scissors, helping to mix ingredients, anything that really gets the fingers working out will support early writing skills. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Collective Art. Our First Museum Exhibit

The kids started making mummy heads the other day with some loose fabric. Today, we put them together to make a mummy. First coat of the sarcophagus was done today too. We used tools (plastic saws), planned a design, cemented some understanding of mummies, and had fun together. 

Parents, if you have any adult sized old short sleeve button down shirts (dad's old shirts), can you please send them in? They make for great smocks for the kids, and keeps clothing clean. Thanks.
Have a great weekend. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

"Hickory Dickory Dock"

"Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock..."  

The goal of this all is to get the kids to communicate their thinking. Otherwise, how else could we learn what this was? We learn from each other. It's how connections form. It's how we become empathetic. 
There was no right or wrong answer to this. In our classroom, we are less concerned with right or wrong and more focussed on teaching the students to communicate their thinking/processes because we want to connect with them. We want to get to know them because they are cool and we want to know where/how to guide them (both academically and social/emotionally). 

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

It Wasn't So Much Halloween...

but more a chance to use some tools, touch something "gooey", do some math, some writing, use the stove, and try a new seasonal snack.